Beer, Bratwurst and Beamers in Bavaria (Munich)
From Nice I flew to Munich to visit Chanrith in his new city (and add Germany to my list of countries visited). Chanrith took an early flight since he had work on Monday, but there was a cheaper flight a few hours later so I took the afternoon flight alone. I used my priority pass to stop by the Library Lounge in Nice, but it was subpar to every lounge I have visited and not worth spending a lot of time in. Landing in Germany I was impressed with the spacious airport and easy to use subway/train. I got an all-day pass since it was marginally more expensive than a one way ticket, and the train was interesting in that you don't have to insert or scan your ticket, so it's on an "honor system." I timed my train so that I would arrive around the same time Chanrith got off work so I could meet at the station by his apartment. When we got out it was pouring- but luckily the weather improved later on through the evening. For dinner we went to Andy's Krablergarten near...