Disneyland in a Pandemic + Avengers Campus

I went to Disneyland for my cousin Millie's birthday the day before California's reopening- and at 35% capacity it was pretty sweet! The emptiest I've seen Main Street at noon. I got to ride Rise of the Resistance (ROTR) and the new Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure at Avengers Campus on the same day! But a lot has changed: no fastpass for now, reservation only at certain restaurants and rides, and no shows or parades (but tentatively some set in July). Below are some tips if you are interested in Avengers Campus/navigating the virtual queues. Download the Disneyland App The App is where you can reserve the date you go, buy your ticket, link tickets with your group, virtual queue for ROTR, Indiana Jones, and/or Webslingers, make mobile food orders, and check out wait times. If you have a park hopper- be strategic about which park you reserve first I.e. if you just care about seeing Avengers campus- go to DCA first and queue for Slingers first Wake up at 7 AM t...