National Security Frat Party: Law Review Article Review

How much power does the Government have over us? Is the Government infringing on our rights to free speech and privacy in traditional forums of expressions such as colleges? My friend and classmate Nida Siddiqui addresses these questions in her law review article: "National Security Frat Party: Government Surveillance on College Campuses." I downloaded it off SSRN, printed a copy, and finished the 20 pg paper during my 1 hour flight from Sacramento to Burbank. Nida's article is informative, interesting, and important. Right after the article introduction, Nida discusses the shocking history of college surveillance - the FBI (not full-blooded Ilocanos for my pin@y peeps) resorting to insane tactics that are crazier than some episodes of Scandal. My conspiracy theorist/speculative side was immediately hooked and my mind was blown at the crazy sh!t the FBI has done targeting college students that are reminiscent of Tiananmen. I never personally took a privacy class ...