A year as a DAG

August 20th marked my 1 year work anniversary as a Deputy Attorney General, and as of yesterday I was recommended to be granted "permanent civil service status" with the State. It's been an exciting journey, beginning with getting a badge:
I guess I got tan after going to Europe.

Within a month, I was hearing the Attorney General himself, Xavier Becerra (my boss's boss's boss's boss) address environmental justice.

I also got to attend the Attorney General's inauguration, where I described the food with the words "cultural and Costco."

Some moments even felt like I was still at the Governor's Office, such as the return of twerk bird: 

(A supervisor walked by my [new] office just the other day and said "if I was in here I'd be asleep all the time - the vibe is so relaxing!") 

I've pretended to be a 9th Circuit Judge, but have actually learned how to make appearances in front of various Magistrate and District Judges.
And also still got to judge with one of my favorite colleagues.
Don't judge the judges please.

I had my first successful settlement conference in Fresno, the very same District courthouse where I had my last moot court competition as a law student! 

I got to flash this swag to get into San Quentin: 

And best of all, I got to spend the past year learning from people who've dealt with much more crazy situations that I can ever imagine.
New DAG conference

Being a DAG is sometimes stressful, but it was my dream job after law school and I've learned so much working with the best coworkers in the continental United States! 


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